YOUR TIPS: WHAT helps YOU sleep?Provides tips on how to aid individuals who have difficulty in sleeping. Accomplish tasks to relieve oneself from worries; Position of pillows during sleep; Advantage of listening to soft music;...
Exercise early in the morning or afternoon reinforcesthe sleep/wake cyclewhich has a lot to do with body temperature - you want it to rise as you wake and fall as you get ready for bed. Contrary to popular belief, nighttime exercise isn't always detrimental to sleep. Still, it pays to...
The problem with trying to save voicemail messages this way, is that one hiccup from a cell phone carrier or badly-timed power outage and that message can disappear. Forever. That’s what happened to one woman. When her fifteen year old son unexpectedly died in his sleep, she couldn’t...
If not you might want to ask yourteacher about thi. You and your classmatescould take turns taking care of some plants inyour classroom. It could be a nice way to makeyour classroom more lively and get to knowyour classmates even better.A. Having your own goals is important.B. But he ...
But what if you're not sleepy? Should you still go to bed if you are just going to lie there with your eyes wide open? It's a problem that has been around as long as there are people trying to sleep.In order to find the right solution for you, it's possible that you understand...
1.Establish a consistent sleep schedule A regular sleep schedule is very important to improve difficulty falling asleep. Try to keep the same wake up time and bed time every day, including weekends. Establishing such a routine helps adjust the body cl...
Really the best thing you can do if you struggle to sleep is to go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every day, because you’ll then be in sync with your circadian rhythm. When should you eat last before going to bed?
When it comes to the sleep definition itself, we know it helps us to rest, but what actually is sleep. What is our body doing when it happens? What we do know is that various areas of the brain are part of the sleep process: Hypothalamus –a tiny part of the brain that is filled...
Try to take more time to wind down by taking a warm bath,or listening to a bedtime story at least 30 minutes before you go to sleep. It also helps to follow a bedtime routine and go to sleep at the same time every night. As a result, your body will get the message that it's ...