Dr. Rodgers speaks from personal experience in this area: She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2021 and received TC chemotherapy, an experience that she says helps her in the clinic because she knows firsthandwhat having the treatment feels like. Here are some of the strategies recommended ...
Wash his or her hands with germ-killing soap to prevent a bacterial infection. Keep your child cool. The itching can get worse if your child sweats. Help relieve painful mouth sores. You may be given medicine to put on your child's mouth sores. These may include numbing gels or an ...
Be careful with body fluids.Do not let your body fluids get near the mouth, eyes, anus, or open skin cuts of others. Do not let anyone who is not wearing gloves touch your sores, cuts, blood, or body fluids. Do not donate blood, tissues, or sperm.You may be able to donate an ...
If the cause of your dry mouth cannot be eliminated, or until it can be, you can restore moisture to your mouth a number of different ways. Your dentist may recommend mouth moisturisers, such as a saliva substitute. Rinsing with mouthwashes specially formulated to help dry mouth may also ...
What Do Mouth Sores Look Like? What they look like may depend on their varieties. Moreover, canker sores themselves have three forms, and each of these appears different. The minor ones are small and round, while the major ones are bigger with irregular edges. The herpetiform types, having...
If you haven't brushed your teeth lately, do you know what could be happening inside your mouth? Germs are growing and covering your teeth, feeding off the food particles left over from your lunch. Sounds awful, doesn't it? There's no need to panic, thou
The side effects vary from person to person, even if you have the same type of cancer and get the same treatment as someone else. Some of the most common issues are: Fatigue Vomiting Nausea Diarrhea Hair loss Mouth sores Pain Chemotherapy can sometimes cause long-lasting side effects, likein...
Mouth Sores & Immune Functioning The exactcause of canker soresis unknown although they are more likely to occur in immune deficient individuals (especially in HIV/AIDS sufferers where a fungal infection causes oral thrush), at times of stress or persons suffering with certain autoimmune conditions...
The most common side effects were bleeding events, fever, rash, swelling, nausea, sores in the mouth or throat, diarrhea, constipation, muscle pain, tiredness, stomach pain, difficulty breathing, headache, cough, decreased appetite, irregular heartbeat, pneumonia, blood infection, chills, sleep di...
“Do You Live with a Sense of Guilt?” “Could You Be a Christian in Name Only?” Tomorrow we’ll look at God’s judgment on false religion. Bowls of God’s wrath during the Tribulation: incurable sores, water turned to blood, darkness, floods, earthquakes, 100# hailstones & worse. ...