What these techniques and the wind phone have in common is the use of a conversational approach that allows connection, reflection and the safe release of strong emotions. By their very nature, both speaking and writing encourage direct emotional expression; this helps rele...
These feelings of fear and insecurity are a normal part of the grieving process. Physical Symptoms › Physical Symptoms –Due to the intense levels of stress associated with grief, the body often responds both physically and emotionally. The entire body can experience grief and people’s ...
Snapchat, or Instagram. It helps us fill in many emotional and expressive cues, which are otherwise not available through texts. Over the years, many emojis covering life’s aspects have been added. However, often people find it harder to find the emoji meanings, especially if it’s a newl...
Grief is caused by many things, including the loss of a loved one, losing a future that one had hoped to have, realizing that...
In my article, “Children & Grief: What You Need to Know,” we explored the unique characteristics of grieving children. I also shared some of my experiences with grief and how, as a mother, I have been raising my children through grief after we experienced some devastating losses. My expe...
Grief can leave you feeling helpless, hopeless, and unsure how to move forward. Though we can't take those feelings away, we can help you better understand your own grief and find the grief coping that will work for you, no matter your grieving style or your coping style....
Helps express your emotions Grieving people tend to feel numb and suppress their emotions. It may seem logical to try and avoid feeling anything, but it isn’t healthy. Grief counseling is not meant to speed up the healing process but to give you a space where you can process your feelings...
Resources related to understanding and coping with grief and loss Guidance on how to help a grieving friend or family member Online courses about grief and supporting someone who’s grieving Resources, education, and training for grief counselors, grief volunteers, and other professionals working in ...
Thanksgiving after Someone Dies — 3 Ways to Support Grieving Friends The first Thanksgiving after someone dies (and the second and the third and the next and the next …) is harder than you can imagine if you haven’t yet lost a loved one. Like so much of living with loss, the abse...
I hope you’ll continue to visit and share as we move forward with helping those who are grieving — and as I move forward with preparing an accompanying book. Thank you for reading, and thank you for helping your grieving friends!— Teresa TL Bruce ...