clayandcementtoformbricks.Thematerialhelpskeepthebuildingcoolinahotenvironment.A wide,raisedmetalroofprotectsthebuildingfromrainandhelpsairflow.Kéréinvolvedthelocal communitythroughoutthedesignandbuildingoftheschool.Thenumberofstudentsattheschool increasedfrom120to700. KéréisthefirstAfricantobehonoredwiththePritzke...
The twitching of these muscles draws air into the lungs and this sudden inhalation makes the opening between the vocal cords, or glottis, close tightly shut. This rapid closure makes the "hic" sound. Anything that affects the arc can lead to hiccups. Themost commonis stretching the stomach f...
What is the meaning of “aspire”?A.draw air into and expel out of the lungs.B.act in agreement and in secret towards a deceitful purpose.C.have an ambitious plan or lofty goal.D.pass from physical life.
A vowel is a speech sound made without a significant constriction of the flow of air from the lungs. Every vowel sound is made by shaping the mouth in a specific way without blocking the airflow. You can create unique sounds by placing your tongue in various different positions (front, cen...
The interdependence to which we must pay the closest attention is that which exists between ourselves and the plant world. Often described as "the lungs of the planet", the woods that cover the earth offer us the gift of breathable air by releasing oxygen. But their capacity to renew the ...
The location of the nodule in your lungs can also be informative. Nodules in the lower parts of your lungs are more likely to be benign (non-cancerous) compared to those in the upper parts of your lungs The structure of the nodule helps the doctor decide what to do next. Lung nodules...
It helps us fill in many emotional and expressive cues, which are otherwise not available through texts. Over the years, many emojis covering life’s aspects have been added. However, often people find it harder to find the emoji meanings, especially if it’s a newly adopted emoji. There ...
How is air transported to the lungs? Explain how and where does the pressure changes induce the flow of air into the lungs. Relating the effects of emphysema on lung anatomy and the structure of the lungs, how would a patient's ability to inhale, exhale, and the gas exchange occurring wi...
Hemoglobin is a protein that helps the red blood cells pick up oxygen from the lungs and transfer it around the body. Each of its molecules has iron in the center, which allows it to move four bits of oxygen. When the mineral is low, the carrying capacity of the hemoglobin is reduc...
The spongy tissues that are filled with air are known as lungs. The four main functions of the lungs are inhalation, exhalation, internal respiration, and external respiration.Answer and Explanation: Vital capacity (VC) is the amount of air that is exhaled from the lungs after maximum ...