MRI pictures may show if a hematoma (pooling of blood) has started to form. You may be given contrast liquid to help the pictures show up better. Tell the healthcare provider if you have ever had an allergic reaction to contrast liquid. Do not enter the MRI room with anything metal. Th...
This helps prevent increased pressure in the muscle. Surgery may be done to repair a tear in your child's muscle or relieve pressure in the muscle caused by swelling.What may help my child's contusion heal?Have your child rest the injured area or use it less than usual. If your child ...
A hematoma occurs when blood accumulates within the body in an area outside of the blood vessels, usually due to trauma or injury. For example, a strong force applied to the upper leg (such as being hit with a baseball) can cause damage to the blood vessels in this area. This damage ...
Hope this helps a little. Reply Lucy May 11, 2021 at 11:23 AM @Nancy, Hi, I’m back, now a month post-diep flap surgery. You were spot on about everything so far. My only issues have been the day I got my six drains out I felt aweful the whole rest of the day and night....
patients should also expect swelling and bruising at the surgery site. There should be very little drainage from the surgical incision site. Before leaving the surgery center or hospital, the surgeon will wrap the patient’s breasts with a bra or elastic band, which helps with support during re...
A nerve conduction velocity test measures how quickly a nerve can conduct electricity. It is used to identify potential nerve damage. Nerve conduction studies may be done to look for a very specific nerve injury like carpal tunnel syndrome. Other individ
ready to hoist her up when a wave proved faster or taller than she anticipated. Each wave promised the sweet reward of her giggles and also the possibility of her being tumbled into the brine and carried away, a possibility which felt so close — too close — like a layer of weight adde...
Pay attention to protein.Protein helps maintain and build muscle. Getting enough will help you not lose muscle as you lose fat. Exercise.There’s no evidence that exercise can tighten the skin itself. Butit can tone the muscles under the skin for a leaner appearance. It will also help you...
Interestingly, Tennessee is one of the very few states in the union that have only a 1-year statue of limitations on filing or processing claims or suits. With that intro, I wanted to break down some of the pieces that may be of interest to everyone – should you find yourself in the...
Ice helps decrease swelling and pain. Ice may also help prevent tissue damage. Use an ice pack, or put crushed ice in a plastic bag. Cover the bag with a towel before you place it on your skin. Apply ice for 15 to 20 minutes every hour or as directed. Keep your head elevated. Kee...