In this month of Mental Health Awareness, the month isn’t just asking that we’re aware of mental illness. It also asks that we are aware of mental health. The National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI) says that this is the month to “fight stigma, provide support, educate the public...
Mental Health Awareness Month: What you shoul... Mental Health Awareness Month: What you should knowDr. Allison Golden of Goodman Jewish Family Services talks about signs to recognize.May 23, 2024 embed code copied Live Now CBS News 24/7 CBS News Baltimore CBS News Bay Area CBS News Bos...
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, but what exactly is the definition of Mental Health? In brief, mental health represents a subjective state of psychological (e.g., cognitive, behavioral, emotional) well-being characterized by an individual’s ability to balance and enjoy life activities (e....
Domestic Violence Awareness Month evolved from the first Day of Unity observed in October, 1981 by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. The intent was to connect battered women?s advocates across the nation who were working to end violence against women and their children. The Day of...
“A PA is a member of the healthcare team who works under the supervision of a senior doctor to help care for patients. You can train to become a PA with a 24 month MSc or PgDip. “The role was originally designed so that PAs would always work under the supervision of senior docto...
forjointhealth. 17 Lesspressureonyour kneeswillhelppreventjointdamagefrom happening.Whenitcomestolosingweightwhileyou havejointdiscomfort,lowimpactexerciseisthe best.Strengthtraining,stretching,andyogafor those hoping to strengthen and supporttheir jointsarerecommended.Aerobic(有氧的)exercisesalsohelpdecreasesensit...
Why is pre-pregnancy awareness important? The importance of pre-pregnancy awareness month lies in its focus on health before conception, a critical but often overlooked phase in maternal and child health. It emphasizes that both parents’ health and lifestyle choices before conception can significantl...
Work-life balance is a big factor for an employee’s mental health. There has been an increase in the adoption of collaboration and work productivity solutions for working remotely not only from home, but from anywhere. However, working professionals are finding it increasingly difficult to separat...
Unmet healthcare need is a critical indicator, showing a plausible picture of how the healthcare system works in the unprecedented pandemic situation. It is important to understand what factors affect healthcare services of older adults in the midst of t
January is Cervical Health Awareness Month, which makes this a good time to learn about Pap smears. A Pap smear, also called a Pap test, is a routine screening test for early diagnosis ofcervical cancer. A Pap smear also can detect changes in cervical cells that suggest cancer may develop ...