The people who have had the luxury of ignoring this particular issue is the white community, which has had the privilege of not questioning—on a large scale—whether the systems they live in are detrimental to their livelihoods, based on their skin color. But as the Black Lives Matter ...
The people who have had the luxury of ignoring this particular issue is the white community, which has had the privilege of not questioning—on a large scale—whether the systems they live in are detrimental to their livelihoods, based on their skin color. But as the Black Lives Matter ...
This, in turn, has elevated the importance of the volunteer manager for such events, people who formerly may have managed volunteers in addition to other duties but now may be viewed as professionals in the field.This has also increased the need for volunteer management software, e-mail broadca...
Black Lives Matter May Not Mean What You ThinkByline: Tia Mitchell What do you think when you see the words Black Lives Matter? In...Mitchell, Tia
bytheYaleSchoolofMedicinehasattemptedto findouttherelativeimpactoftwofactorsmost oftenlinkedtolifeexpectancy—raceandeducation—bylookingatdataabout5,114blackand whiteparticipantsinfourU.S.cities. Thelivesanddeathsamongthisgroupof people—whotookpartinthestudyapproximately 30yearsagowhentheywereintheirearly20s—...
"Black Lives Matter doesn’t mean your life isn’t important – it means that Black lives, which are seen as without value within White supremacy, are important to your liberation. Given the disproportionate impact state violence has on Black lives, we understand that when Black people in this...
's mayor has instituted a curfew through the weekend, and Gov. Andy Beshear called up the National Guard for “limited missions.” Protesters streamed through the streets, where stopped cars honked and one man leaned out a sunroof, his fist in the air and shouted, “Black lives m...
Black Lives Matter, though in its infancy, has already made quite a mark on the2016 election,disrupting several recent campaign events with a call for racial justice. The activists who met with Clinton were planning to attend her campaign event in Keene, N.H. last Tuesday, but they were tu...
A month has rolled by and look what amazing work the Global Access to Information Network members have achieved! FragDenStaat: have been uncovering issues in the German medical system where patient symptoms are missed, hospitals are understaffed and the system is squeezed. mySociety: have been ...
But much has transpired since 2018. Mass protests across the U.S. this summer have made the Black Lives Matter movement a household name and many white allies have joined. Likewise, many colleges have issued statements of support and some acknowledged their racist past,removing monumentsto Confede...