One of the most fearedsymptoms of deathis pain. If your loved one is dying from colon cancer, they most likely have diffuse metastases. That means their cancer has spread from the colon to other organs and lymph nodes. Metastatic cancer often causes pain in the location where cancer has...
If your doctor sees anything suspicious that could be a sign of cancer, the colonoscope can be used to remove a tissue sample for analysis in a lab. This is called a biopsy. Your colonoscopy may take up to 60 minutes if it involves removing samples. What Happens After a Colonoscopy? Aft...
Research shows that heart attacks are becoming more prevalent among adults younger than 50—and the outcomes are worse for women. The good news is we know how to prevent them.
Intestinal obstruction occurs when part of your intestine is blocked. It may result in death of a part of your bowel or even death of the person. True, physical bowel obstruction is a medical emergency. The condition causes constipation, vomiting, abdominal pain, abdominal swelling, loss of app...
Researchers have linked red and processed meat with a higher chance oftype 2 diabetes. One study found that eating a half serving of red meat (one serving is the size of a deck of cards) a day boosts your odds of getting the disease by 48%. ...
Some people have a fructan intolerance. Like non-celiac gluten intolerance, when fructans ferment in the bowels, they attract water into the colon, which causes bloating and gas.16 9. Watermelon Some fruits often cause bloating because of their high fructose contents. Fructose is a naturally occ...
This may help your healthcare provider learn what is causing your pain. Include when the pain happens, how long it lasts, and what the pain feels like. Track any other symptoms you have with abdominal pain. Also track what you eat, and any symptoms you have after you eat.What can I ...
Heart problems that cause your heart to get bigger and press on your esophagus can make the opening smallerWhat are the signs and symptoms of corrosive esophagitis?Chest pain that is sudden or happens after you take a pill Pain when you swallow liquids or food Loss of appetite Vomiting blood...
et al: What happens to the Valtrac anastomosis of the colon? A follow-up study. Dis. Colon Rectum 1993; 36: 362-5.Gullichsen R, Ovaska J, Havia T, Yrjana J, Ekfors T. What happens to the Valtrac anastomosis of the colon? A follow-up study. Dis Colon Rectum 1993;36:362-5....
A refresh now happens automatically when launching the client. Resetting your user data from the About page now redirects to the Connection Center when completed instead of closing the client. The items in the system menu for desktop connections were reordered and the Help topic now points to ...