something that happens if the food in your stomach enters your small bowel too quickly. This can happen to people who have had surgery on their stomach or intestines. Explosive diarrhea also can happen to people who have diabetes and some other disorders, as well as those who have lactose in...
While hepatitis B spreads through sex, it’s unlikely that you’ll get it from oral sex unless you come into contact with blood. Can you get pregnant from oral sex? You can’t get pregnant from oral sex alone. Pregnancy happens when sperm fertilizes an egg, and the only way to access...
Stress can cause diarrhea because of the gut-brain axis—the fight-or-flight response can affect digestion. Here's how to manage it and when to see a doctor.
Got an upset stomach? RDs break down what to eat when you have diarrhea, such as yogurt and bananas, and what to avoid, like foods that cause more irritation.
you introduce a new food, if you don’t get a reaction right away, then the next day, give more of that food. Increase the portion size or number of portions over 3-4 days and see what happens. And YES, you need to keep a written chart, or you will never be able to keep ...
IBD happens when your dog's intestines become inflamed and swollen, resulting in a thickened intestinal lining.When this occurs, the digestion and absorption of nutrients are altered. In addition to vomiting and chronic diarrhea, dogs often have poor appetites and lose weight....
Gray poop signifies there might be a digestive concern. Constipation and diarrheaIt’s very rare for newborns to actually be constipated—oftentimes, they strain to poop because they’re new to the action. Most constipation happens in older infants who are starting to eat solid foods. But ...
What Happens if You Swallow Gum? | One Truth & One Lie 19 related questions found Can you swallow your tongue? Swallowing the tongue is virtually impossible. In the human mouth, a small piece of tissue called the frenulum linguae, which sits behind the teeth and under the tongue, keeps ...
It takes a few days for your little one to pass all the meconium out of their system, but as this happens, they’ll start to have regular baby poops. The color will shift from being almost black to a yellowy green and there may be less mucus present. Speak to your baby’s health...
What happens when you mix vinegar and Alka-Seltzer? The CO2 bubbles carry some of the colorful liquid up through the oil with them, but the dense liquid quickly sinks back down to the bottom. *Vinegar reacts with the sodium bicarbonate the Alka-Seltzer,making extra carbon dioxide bubbles!