Getting sick is possibly the least fun thing that can happen to you... it's even worse than getting pulled over by the cops with expired registration or meeting the President with a big piece of spinach stuck in your teeth. But what really happens when you get sick...
at the El Paso County Jail in Colorado Springs, CO, said shegave birth in her cell toiletwithout any assistance from staff, which led to her infant developing an E. coli infection. And afemale inmate at the Denver County Jailsaid staff ignored her pleas for help when she went into labor...
Aminoglycosides(Gentamycin, Kanamycin, Erythromicin) have a devastating effect on beneficial bacteria such as physiological E.coli and Enterococci. A prolonged course of treatment with these type of antibiotics can completely eliminate such beneficial bacteria from the digestive system, leaving it open to...
When this happens, the stain "disappears." When bleach oxidizes the ketchup on your T-shirt, the ketchup stops being able to absorb light. It then appears white, like the rest of the shirt. The remains of the ketchup can still be there; you just won't see the stain anymore. Soaking ...
SerVaas, Cory
What happens when you have cystitis? The main symptoms of cystitis include:pain, burning or stinging when you pee.needing to pee more often and urgently than normal.urine that's dark, cloudy or strong smelling. How many UTIs are too many?
premature labor that may result in premature birth (the earlier it happens, the greater the health risks for a baby); kidney infection, also known as renal infection or pyelonephritis (when bacteria spread to the kidneys); urosepsis (a condition where a UTI spreads from the urinary tract to ...
Tony recently wrote a how-to article onwhat to do when you become “travel sick”, which is what happens when you get sick of travelling. But what to do when you actually get sickwhiletravelling? Now in all fairness, I am not a doctor. But I have been sick with bronchitis and E. ...
What are some ways that living organisms are used in the sexual reproduction of plants? What are some ways that plants reproduce sexually using non-living mechanisms? What happens when genetically-modified crops are exposed to these living organism...
Iron deficiency anemia develops slowly. In its earliest stage, the amount of stored iron in the body drops. Next, the bone marrow produces fewer red blood cells. In the last stage, the body's stores of iron are gone. When this happens, your body will make fewer red blood cells that ar...