Below are some of the most common objections raised over the last twenty years by the skeptics about the evidence for the afterlife.1st Objection.“The evidence for the afterlife cannot be valid because there is no afterlife.”(There will be 20 objections over the next weeks) .Read more obje...
The Largest Database of Afterlife Description & Analysis on the Internet 123 Welcome! Death and dying What happens when you die Reincarnation Proof of heaven Suicide and the afterlife Numerous other topics about death, dying and communication with those that have died are also presented. In additio...
This is exactly what Dr. Jeffrey Long, M.D. has done with people who have had “near-death experiences” (NDEs). He interviewed 613 people who had near-death experiences and analyzed the responses. The results are in his book, “Evidence of the Afterlife” (by Jeffrey Long and Paul Per...
Death is one of the most profound and inevitable events we experience as human beings. Despite its universality, much about death remains shrouded in mystery. However, recent scientific advances are giving us a clearer picture of what happens to our bodies and brains when we die,...
What happens when we die? What is heaven like? How do I know if I’m going there? If you’ve ever wondered, here’s what the Bible says about heaven. READ ALSO:8 BIBLE VERSES ABOUT HEAVEN AND ETERNITY Is Heaven A Real Place?
We choose to see dying not as something our bodies eventually do, but something that eventually happens to our bodies [source: van Niekerk]. We cast ourselves as the victim of death, which is the reason grim reapers and other death-dealing spirits permeate world beliefs. If death is a ...
No matter what goes on in life, one will eventually take their last breath and die. After a person dies many, religions discuss what happens to the soul, but what about the body? The question becomes what happens to the body after it decomposes? Science and research have advanced into ...
Many thoughts can be made about where we go or who and even what we turn into but there are so many possibilities on what actually happens. Coming up with one specific theory is not easy, but I have come to the conclusion that my belief is after we die, we come back as something ...
What Exactly Happens When The Pope Dies? Mysteries That We Wish We Knew The Answers To Some Of The Last Known Photos Taken Of 17 Legendary Historical Figures People Share Their Real Life 'When You See It' Moments How Prominent Historical Figures Looked On Their Deathbeds ...
What do you think happens to us after we die? A. We either go to heaven or hell. B. We are reincarnated, life is endless. C. The soul will continue to exist in the afterlife. D. Nothing happens. We're just dead. Rate this question: 7. Why do you believe there is suffering ...