4“Whenstartinganewjourney,askyourselfwhatyouhopetogain,whyyouwantto makethismove,andwhatyouexpecttogetoutofitattheend.” Learningsomethingnewwillnotonlyimproveyourskillsetbutitwillboostyourwellbeing. Fromaphysicalpointofview,whenyouexerciseyourbrain,themindreshapesitself,becausethe physicalbraincangrowandcha...
Using two roads its possible to illustrate Einstein’s twin paradox. When parallel, they are clearly the same length. Let’s draw an analogy to show how two people, in tip-top mental health, could disagree about which of two things is longer. Two surveyors have been asked to measure two ...
The cartographer's job is to combine the information from the various databases and existing maps to create a new, understandable map. We'll look at how this happens in the next section. Tissot's Indicatrix Sometimes, it can be difficult to tell exactly how a map projection distorts the ...