Like the rest of your body, your brain needs oxygen to survive and thrive. It gets that oxygen from the blood flowing from your heart through a network of arteries. Astrokehappens when the blood supply to the brain slows to a trickle or gets cut off completely. Your brain cells become s...
The build-up ofcholesterolandplaque(fatty deposits) in the arteries carrying blood to your heart can lead to blockages. When the blockage gets too large, the constriction of the artery may result in aheart attack. Your primary care doctor or cardiologist may detect blockages before a heart at...
A stroke is a brain attack and it happens when a blood vessel delivering oxygenated blood clogged or bursts.Answer and Explanation: The following are the three kinds of stroke: Hemorrhagic stroke - this occurs when there is a leak of blood from a ruptured blood vessel in your...Become...
Ependymal cells produce CSF (cerebrospinal fluid), which is located within the ventricles of the brain and in the subarachnoid space that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. Aside from allowing the brain to float in the skull, CSF acts as a cushion against traumaand also helps wash away some...
What Are the Symptoms of Thrombosis and Embolism? Signs and symptoms vary for each person and depend on where the clot is located and how big it is. And it’s possible that you might not have symptoms. In fact, it happens in about half the cases. ...
CAD happens when plaque builds up in arteries close to your heart. This slows blood flow, which can bring chest pain or a strange heart rhythm (called an arrhythmia). A total blockage can cause a heart attack. Heart Attack When enough plaque builds up, or a clump of it comes loose, to...
What Happens in Periodontitis? Gum diseasemay include a wide spectrum of disorders ranging from the milder gingivitis to the more severe periodontitis. The causes, risk factors and even some of the symptoms of periodontitis are the same as gingivitis. ...
“That's what happens when you have to build up a tolerance to spider meat. You'll get used to it.” He continued to protest, but I ignored the rest of his argument. He could blubber on all he wanted to, I really didn't care. It wasn't affecting me any, even if his v...
A heart attack can also occur when plaque builds up so much that the artery narrows to the point where blood flow can no longer supply a portion of the heart. Explaining a Silent Heart Attack What happens with a silent heart attack is that blood flow stops because of blockage in a corona...
That is why it's only supposed to be released when it is necessary. It can wear down your body greatly, mainly your heart. Bytheheat009— On Nov 30, 2007 I know adrenaline is what your body uses for 'fight or flight' but is it always involuntary? I heard there are some, very rar...