New healthy cells form under your skin’s surface and push the older cells out, where they eventually die and fall off – this happens constantly to every one of us. As mentioned before, some cells develop DNA damage which triggers the production of cells that are abnormal and dangerous....
Active ingredient with toning properties that boosts the production of adiponectin, a substance that helps the organism to burn fat, just as it happens when exercising. As a result, your body is more toned, your skin is more elastic and your silhouette is more defined. This active ingredient'...
When melanin is produced in melanocytes, this pigment is packaged into granules, not unlike the way the green pigment chlorophyll is packaged into specialized intracellular "containers" in plants. When stimulated by UV light, the total level of which increases in most parts of the world at certai...
The last reason that your complexion may be getting darker, is post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. This is where brown spots show up on your skin as a result ofacnescarring, eczema, or perhaps overenthusiastic pigmentation treatment with lasers. This happens because the inflammation caused by the...
Melanin also protects the deeper layers of the skin from the sun's harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. When people spend time in the sunlight, the melanocytes make more melanin and cause the skin to tan. This also happens when skin is exposed to other forms of ultraviolet light (such as in ...
If melanin is responsible for our skin coloring AND HAIR color, can taking a supplement help premature graying of your hair? Byanon2071— On Jun 26, 2007 i am having serious trouble tanning i spend all day in the sun everyday and i don't get any color what so ever.i recently had br...
The cortisol hormone is a stress-released hormone that is part of the glucocorticoid group of hormones. Learn the definition and functions of cortisol hormone, explore what happens when there's a deficiency or excess of it, and discover some tips to r...
What happens if you pick at a basal cell carcinoma? Picking up at a basal cell carcinoma can lead to bleeding, infection, and scarring. Does basal cell carcinoma spread? Basal cell carcinoma typically grows slowly and rarely spreads to other parts of the body, but it can invade nearby tiss...
Describe what happens when Type A blood is transfused into the blood of someone with Type B blood. (a) What is melanoma? (b) How can excessive exposure to sunlight create abnormalities within a cell that can cause melanoma? What are the characteristics ...
The other thing that happens is the on-call doctors- the people you need for back-up- the orthopedist for the broken hip, the neurosurgeon for the gunshot wound to the head- they stop taking call. And they stop taking call because they know that when they get a call from the ER at ...