What happens when you exceed any of these thresholds? How to keep your account within the acceptable use limits here? When you select our StartUp, GrowBig, and GoGeek hosting plans, your account is created on one of our “shared” servers. The word “shared” refers to the fact that the...
To keep your policy up to date, you’ll need to perform regular scans of your site to take a catalog of the cookies at use on your site and what functions they perform.CMPshave the benefit of both managing cookie consent on your site as well as scanning and categorizing the cookies you...
When you browse the web using Google Chrome, the browser collects various types of data related to your internet activities. This may include information such as your browsing history, cookies, cache files, and other site-specific data.
Microsoft prioritizes account security and works to prevent people from signing in without your permission. When we notice a sign-in attempt from a new location or device, we help protect the account by sending you an email message and an SMS alert. If y...
Cookies, in their simplest form, are little clusters of data. A web server passes these data clusters through to your computer after you've landed on a website. Your computer then stores the data as files inside your browser cache. It's less...
Once that happens, businesses will need to comply or potentially suffer penalties and fines from the state Attorney General. The MCDPA applies to organizations that provide products or services targeted at Minnesotans and meet one of the following criteria: During a calendar year, they control or...
What happens to documents in the Files tab in an O365 Group when a member account is deleted from your domain (not the entire group, just a member or owner)? I know that O365 will hold onto someone's information for 30 days after you delete the person, in case you ne...
When a field group is deleted, are associated entries in the database deleted? Are corresponding rows deleted from wp_postmeta table? John Huebner October 27, 2021 at 2:08 pm No. Deleting a field or a field group does not delete _postmeta entries. There is an old. long discussion ...
Hi I have a few questions about tasks What is an "active task"? Is a task that is marked "completed" still regarded as an active task? What happens...
Ad tracking happens when companies use cookies and other tracking methods to follow you online and gather insights into your behavior and preferences to serve you more relevant, targeted ads. Ultimately, the purpose of ad tracking is to help websites and companies offer you more personalized goods...