KeepMyAccountSafe.”Everyfew months,ithappensagain—dozensofannoyingpostsfrom my kids?friendssuddenlystarttoappearonmyInstagramnewsfeed. AccordingtoanewstudybyStanfordUniversity,mostkidsdon?tknowwhatnewsisfalse. Researchersaskedmorethan7,800middleschoolandhighschoolstudentstocomplete56tasks, likedistinguishinganadve...
A stroke happens when blood flow to part of the brain is stopped. This can cause serious brain damage from a lack of oxygen. A stroke caused by a blood clot is called an ischemic stroke. A stroke caused by a burst or torn blood vessel is called an intracerebral hemorrhage, or a ...
An ICH happens when a blood vessel tears or bursts. Blood then leaks out of the vessel and slows or stops blood flow to the brain. The leaked blood may also collect in one area. This is called a hematoma. A hematoma can create pressure that keeps oxygen from flowing to the brain. ...
When you smoke, you have 3 to 15 times more of this toxic chemical in your blood than someone who doesn't smoke. At higher levels, you might have a headache, faster pulse, dizziness, or nausea. That level drops to normal less than a day after you quit. That makes room for more ox...
What would happen if human blood becomes acidic? a) The oxygen-carrying capacity of haemoglobin is increase b) The oxygen-carrying capacity of haemoglobin is decrease c) Will remain the same d) Will be unpredictable What happens when carbon dioxide diffuses out of tissues into the blood? How...
When muscles contract during an activity, such as skipping, certain amino acids (branched-chain) circulating in your blood are necessary for the muscles to work, explains Elizabeth Lombardo, Ph.D., a licensed clinical psychologist and author of "Get Out of the Red Zone: Transform Your Stress ...
These pauses in breathing can happen many times overnight, leading to a drop in blood oxygen levels. In response, there is an increase in blood pressure, placing additional stress on the heart to pump blood which can result in the heart racing faster. Further sleep apnea symptoms include: ...
In addition, a ketogenic dietimproves the metabolic markers for heart diseaserisk. It's that simple. When the carbohydrate intake is lowered, and saturated fat intake is increased, this is what happens to the body risk markers: Blood glucose levels drop, reducing glycation and the proliferation ...
A stroke happens when blood flow to part of the brain is interrupted. This can cause serious brain damage from a lack of oxygen. Brain function may be affected depending on where the stroke happens. A stroke can happen when your child is still in the womb, or at any age after birth. ...
An ischemic stroke occurs when blood flow to part of your brain is blocked. The block is usually caused by a blood clot that gets stuck in a narrow blood vessel. When oxygen cannot get to an area of the brain, tissue in that area may get damaged. The damage can cause loss of body ...