* MARSHALL And what happens when Stravanavitch is freed and discovers he's got the President? You think for a second that that crazy bastard is just gonna turn me over? He'll ask for the goddamn moon before he's done. V.P. CHANDLER Please, Mr. President. You're going to get your...
Forests rely on their soil's buffering capacity to protect them from acid rain. Acidic waters draw out soil toxins like aluminum. Trees take in the poisonous substances, and runoff dumps it in lakes, rivers and streams. Acid rain also dissolves helpful minerals and nutrients like calcium, magne...
Among this ongoing power struggle, Virunga also happens to be the last natural habitat for the critically endangered mountain gorilla. The only thing standing in the way of the forces closing in around the gorillas: a handful of passionate park rangers and journalists fighting to secure the ...
Lake-Effect systems are now low-pressure systems and. instead, are triggered when cold air moves over the Great Lakes regions. These systems can become more powerful if the lakes aren't frozen over yet. The air mass then sucks up the moisture from the lakes and then dumps the water as s...
The general laughs and says: "It happens to the best of us son, how are they caring for you in here?" and the soldier replies: "Well sir, every day the nurses put a cool cloth on my head and they clean my privates with a soft brush." The general asks: "Is there anything else...