What lions actually do for the environment is thin out the number of herbivores so that they don’t eat all the vegetation and turn the area into desert, which is what inexplicably happens when the bad lion, Scar, and his army of hyenas, eat all the herbivores. Where does all the grass...
The important question is what happens when wholly novel responses are demonstrated. Topál et al. (2006), using a highly trained assistance dog, state that there were “significant limitations in [the dog’s] imitative abilities” (p. 355). The dog performed sufficiently well when the new ...
Social hunting within the Carnivora has been valuably reviewed by Bailey, Myatt, and Wilson (2013), who consider a wide range of possible examples; here, we will focus only on the most salient. Certainly some of the other closely related canids, such as the red wolf and coyote, do also...