particularly as COVID-19 has been more lethal among older people and diseases like obesity and diabetes have increased their death rates. But are we in for a rude awakening as underlying improvements in health care and biotechnology abruptly increase longevity to well over 100 years for some?
For most of us, the main challenge we face is not physical, but mental: how to deal with the stressors of living with a new biological threat. Many of us are experiencing these already: our pension/401k/superannuation has just slumped in value, directly impacting on our retirement income. ...
Insurance companies base their business models on three fundamental principles: pooling many risks, building a fund from premiums paid by policyholders, and then using this fund to reimburse policyholders for their losses if a policyholder passes away. That is to say; life insur...
This Christmas has been much nicer than last year, time has dulled the grief I have experienced over the death of my dear Mum. I miss her so much. To know I was loved without question, to share conversations and to learn new things about her and her life, was a gift that is irrepla...
Super and the Self-Employed; The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia Limited (ASFA): Sydney, Australia, 2016. [Google Scholar] Yssad, L.F.; Ferrao, V. Labour Statistics at a glance, Self-employed Canadians: Who and Why? Statistics Canada: Ottawa, ON, Canada, 2019. [Google ...