When a testator has left his estate to a trust that is to be formed after his death, is it mandatory for him to name the trustee of the trust. What happens to his estate after his death if he has not named anyone as trustee?
previous employer, and will max out my contribution when I receive it. I contacted my new employer in an effort to get them to NOT take out FICA, but they told me they HAD to. Thus, I will be paying too much. How do I resolve this now, or do I have to wait for a refund ...
but I use the hell out of it so I'll be happy if I can get it to hold up for all of this mowing season. I do not treat my mower well at all; I run just about everything over and when the mower dies I will just haul on ...
Every year for the past 3 or 4 years we go back and forth on emails about my social security number For some reason the owner thinks he needs my SSN in order to claim the income that he receives from that property on his taxes. He has owned it since roughly forever, but he lives i...
Thereasoningissimpletoanyexplain compositionoffunctors butsomethingaboutitisoftenverystrangetopeople rstTheroughideaofthis“contravariance”iscapturedbytherole reversalinthefollowingslogan Slogan5 “IfIgetmyinformationfromyouthenyourinformationbecomesmyinfor mation ”ConsiderthefollowingfunctorF 6C“SSN‚First‚T1...
Sustainable mechanization considers technological, economic, social, environmental and cultural aspects when contributing to the sustainable development of the food and agricultural sector." The goal of this paper is to analyze the smallholder farm situation, to identify the key elements needed to include...
What skills and how fast the motor development/learning occurs, such as when the child learns to throw a ball, and how good they are in this skill, depends on conditions both in the environment and in the individual (such as stimuli, muscle power, and motivation). Thus, action is ...