Shinji Ikari is one such pilot, a teen who's tasked with defending Tokyo-3 by his estranged father. He's joined by Misato Katsuragi and cocky German-Japanese-American Asuka Langley Soryu. Their mission is to use the Evangelions to stop the Third Impact — or so we're led to believe. ...
This basically means that regardless of when and where it happens, a tsundere very loosely means having those two traits, tsun-tsun and dere-dere at some point in time. Looking at the two examples, both Rin and Michiru definitely have both of those traits. But what is the difference… Wh...
And why can´t anyone see I just wanna live Don´t really care about the things that they say Don´t really care about what happens to me I just wanna live Just wanna live [x6] I rock a Lawsuit when I´m going to court 分享301 steam交易吧 给自己七个昵称 steam交易中的小...
shinji, will you dance with me? (a sequel to "asuka, will you dance with me?") written by axel terizaki (, axelt@fanfi分享 12赞梁朝伟吧 づ爱伟一生の 【一代宗师】美版蓝光花絮——李安,王家卫在museum of moving… 00:00 · 播放0分享 38赞拿破仑吧 napolun123 谁有拿破仑...
This could explain why the character Asuka Langley Soryu is popular among the fans of Neon Genesis Evangelion. She is from Germany, an individualistic culture, thus she does not hesitate to speak her mind. Another form of delinquency in Japan are Yanki or bike gangs, akin to teen thugs. The...