pattern- n. regular and repeated way in which something happens forecast- n. statement about what you think is going to happen frequency- n. the fact or condition of happening often drought- n. a long period of time with little ...
通读全文及其第一段Sometimeswhentherainfallshardandfastonyou,itmighthurt a little.Butwhathappenswhenithits a mosquito?(有时候,当大雨倾盆而下时,你可能会有点疼。但是当它碰到蚊子时会发生什么呢?)可知,文章主要讨论了为什么蚊子在雨中不会受伤。故选C。 这篇短文主要讲述了科学家David Hu对雨滴击中蚊子的影响...
The “long rains” season is when most of the country’s average yearly rainfall happens. “长雨”季节是该国年平均降雨量的大部分时间。 In its forecast for this year’s “long rains” season, the Kenya Meteorological Department predicted above-average rainfall in many parts of the country. It...
What happens to water in the atmosphere as it rises? Why do waterspouts spin more slowly than tornadoes? How does splash erosion occur? How do hurricanes cause erosion? How do tsunamis affect the cryosphere? How does orographic rainfall occur?
When an atmospheric river runs up against North America’s West Coast, the mountains and complex topography force the air to rise, cool, and the moisture to condense and precipitate. That can mean feet of snow at high elevations and...
When a hurricane comes together with heavy rainfall, a terrible may happen. The eye is the of a hurricane. Soon after it passes, the wind and rain increase again. Safety Tips It's to stop a hurricane or change its direction. Don't the safety tips if you find yourself in the path of...
mostremoteregionswhichexperiencedthefirstrainfalleventinrecordedhistory. Thesituationmaysoundhopeless.However,manyexpertsbelieveitisstillnottoolateto turnthingsaround,ifweallactnow.Whilegovernmentsneedtodotheirsharebyintroducingand obeyingstrictercarbonemissionlaws,individualscanalsohelp.Drivingless,conservingwater, andred...
What happens to precipitation during the water cycle? What amount of precipitation do cold deserts get? What is the difference between geography and topography? What are weather maps used for? What is the average rainfall in an aquatic biome?
根据短文第三段中When a hurricane happens together with heavy rainfall, there can be a terrible flood可,当飓风和大雨一同发生的时候,可能会有可怕的洪水。【小题7】center中心,名词。根据短文第三段中The centre of a hurricane is called the eye.可知,飓风的中心叫做风眼。【小题8】impossible 不可能的...
Drought is a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a water shortage that can have severe impacts on agriculture, drinking water supply, and the environment. Summary:If it does not rain for a long period, the soil dries up, water levels in ponds and wells decrease, ground...