ß-andeof40K and64Cu,pandaof185Bi) and even three kinds of radioactivity (e.g.,a,eand epof110Xe, ß-, ß-nand ß-2nof98Rb,e,epande2pof35Ca), happened with different likelihood. In these cases, they say that such radionuclides can undergo radioactive transformations along differen...
A radioactive substance is unstable and produces dangerous kinds of radiation. It is unstable because the strong nuclear force that holds the nucleus of the atom together is not balanced with the electric force that wants to push it apart. Because it's unstable, the atoms will decay into more...
Nuclear fissionis what happens when the nucleus of a large radioactive atom splits into two or more smaller nuclei. When this happens, a lot of energy is released, and this is how nuclear power stations work. Lesson Quiz Course 9.1Kviews ...
In the thought experiment, a cat is placed in a sealed box with a vial of poison that will kill the cat if some random event happens, such as on the decay of a radioactive atom. From outside the sealed box, whether the cat is alive or dead is unknowable, so the cat is in a st...
Franciumis element No. 87 on the periodic table. The element can be prepared by bombarding thorium with protons. An extremely small amount occurs naturally in uranium minerals, but it is so rare and radioactive that there has never been enough of it to actually see what would happen if a ...
Some substances are radioactive: they naturally split into simpler substances and give off tiny particles or energy in the process. Again, this makes sense if atoms exist and they're built from smaller particles (protons, neutrons, and electrons). Scientists can split big atoms into smaller ones...
I really don’t know what I want to do when I leave school. My dad is in the navy but I wouldn’t want to spend so much time on ships. My mum is a scientist 61 it seems to me what she does all day is looking 62 a microscope. All that stuff about splitting atoms is pretty ...
Is nuclear fusion difficult to control? Because fusion requires such extreme conditions, “if something goes wrong, then it stops. No heat lingers after the fact.” With fission, uranium is split apart, so the atoms are radioactive and generate heat, even when the fission ends. Despite its ...
What happens to quarks not in hadrons? What do quarks have to do with radioactive decay? What does two top quarks and one bottom quark make? What composite particle is comprised of three quarks? Are atoms made of quarks? What are dark quarks?
Why Are Certain Elements Radioactive? Imagine that you just accidentally inhaled pollen and are awaiting a sneeze. Now, hold onto that feeling. That is what certain atoms experience all the time—the urge to expel out the excess and regain stability. ...