First, you must find out if the insurance company holds your money in their general or separate account. If they hold it in the general account and they go bankrupt, get in line. You become a general creditor of the company. Depending on what state you live in, your account could have...
It can be hard to learn to enjoy the journey, but learning how to embrace the good times and the bad times, is one of the keys for a fulfilling life. When the hard times come, try to find a support network you can rely on, and when the good times come, just enjoy them without ...
Personally, I think the risk of loss due to your employer going bankrupt is pretty low. While I'm sure 457 dollars have been lost, I've never run into a doc that had it happen to them. It certainly isn't common. I don't think I'd be willing to give up a $5,000-$6,000 pe...
Consider those drastic sale prices that frugal folks love to take advantage of, like when brand name cereal goes on sale for $1, or that big screen TV goes on sale for $100 on Black Friday. Stores call those loss leaders, and offer them (at an actual loss, oftentimes) with the unders...
The term experienced a resurgence in popularity in the 1990s, when it served as part of the title for Douglas Coupland's novel, Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture. The book is a series of stories told by several main characters, all of whom are young adults who would seem to...
those franchise seminars that tell you what a great investment it is buying a “Subway”. Or you can cash in your IRA and 401k and come up with $800,000 and own a dry cleaners franchise where you have to manage minimum wage employees, because you’ll go bankrupt paying an honest wage...
Even though the system is supposed to pull both parties together, during the process of trying to reach an agreement, people can adopt an us-versus-them mentality. When the negotiations are over, this way of looking at each other can be hard to set aside, and unity in the company can ...
The term experienced a resurgence in popularity in the 1990s, when it served as part of the title for Douglas Coupland's novel, Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture. The book is a series of stories told by several main characters, all of whom are young adults who would seem to...