I don't know what happens to me when I die. When you are healthy, you won't think about death. When you are rich, you have friends and family, you have a career you want to pursue, "why do I need to think about my death? It's still far away!" But as you should have known...
WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE DIE. BRILLIANT AFTERLIFE MOVIE 'NOSSO LAR'is based on a book sent from the afterlife by the highly credibleDr Andre Luizthrough the direct writing mediumship ofChico Xavier. It traces the afterlife experiences of a materialistic doctor from his death to being caught in the...
I have already given the general answer: What happens when you die depends on what happens before you die. The Bible classifies the whole human race into two broad categories-the saved and the lost. What happens to the saved is radically different from what happens to the lost. A. For th...
We are very impressed with the way that humanity continues to evolve, continues to grow spiritually, and we continue to look for all the various ways in which you are improving yourselves and becoming your fifth-dimensional higher selves. One of the ways that you do this is by focusing withi...
“What happens when you relinquish any understanding of objective moral goods and evils…how can we come to agreement on how we should run society? And so what is left but the will to power?” says Noelle Mering, a Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center where she co-directs EPPC...
SAILOR: Then why do you look so miserable? JONAH: Because it wasn’t supposed to be this way! The people of Nineveh were evil. The city was supposed to be destroyed. That’s what happens when you do bad things. You get punished! You get kicked out of the garden! You get showered ...
Wholeness happens when you are spiritually alive with a healthy heart and mind. You connect with God in your spirit, and your heart and mind are full of God's love. Even with sickness in your body, you can be whole in your spirit, heart, and mind. ...
When we think of honey spiritually this is sweet, sticky and a substance that enables us in life to get what we want. 4. Do what you want: Discover the perfect career The bee will work hard and never stop, it is a sign that you need to find your perfect career. The bee's ...
American culture is connected to guns, I do think it is appropriate to look at facts, in 2010 alone about 124 million people owned 300 million guns. In the media, guns are often discussed along with shootings. In most cases when you keep having a dream of being shot, it spiritually carr...
The Mulderisms are on point. Thank you for that, Gabe Rotter. But after watching and rewatching it, I can confirm that nothing much happens. Oh, a throwback to the mind-control cropdusters of “Blood” (2×3) happens, but not much else. ...