The Mulderisms are on point. Thank you for that, Gabe Rotter. But after watching and rewatching it, I can confirm that nothing much happens. Oh, a throwback to the mind-control cropdusters of “Blood” (2×3) happens, but not much else. Wait, let me take that back. Mulder and Scu...
The wall decoration inside Mila's home was later hung on the wall of T'Pol's quarters in Star Trek: Enterprise. O'Brien mentions "flux capacitors," while talking to Bashir about his decision to return to Earth, a reference to the 1985 Robert Zemeckis movie Back to the Future. This was...
WikiLeaks film traces rise and fall--TORONTO - When your film is the WikiLeaks thriller "The...Szklarski, Cassandra
The spokesperson also told CNN that Murphy said, “I was trying to be a Good Samaritan, and this is what happens.” He Lost His Brother To Leukemia Photo: Timothy M. Moore Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 4.0 In 2017, Murphy's older brother, Charlie, died of leukemia. Charlie was an ...
Revelation 16:16 - ""Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon." - describes what happens after God pours out the sixth bowl of wrath (one of the many plagues that permeates the Revelation narrative). In this verse, John, the author of Re...
IMDb, the Internet Movie Database, shows visitors a movie quote on their 404 page. The branding is subtle here. There are no movie posters, no trailers competing for the visitor’s attention. IMDB simply offers up a movie quote, a link to the site’s homepage, and a link to the quote...
Cthulhu is not an elder god, but it is several order of magnitude more powerful than anything else on the planet.He has, like, a million HP and immunity to magic. This is what happens if you wake him up. ... Over the next 24 hours, Cthulhu devours the sun, in order to gain enou...
it's likely that the next they're going to do is drag you beneath the surface of the water. Remember, you're fighting a shark here, so if they decide you're going underwater with them, then there's not much you can do about it. Some say that when this happens, you should just...
This spherochromatism caused by the corrector. If the system is perfectly corrected in yellow/green, the blue/violet will be overcorrected and the red will be undercorrected. This is the same thing that happens with an ED Doublet "Apo." The lenses can only correct the spherical aberration ...
As for the stepparent hoping to make a family from their partner’s kids, sometimes it happens. Sometimes it doesn’t. As soon as the kids are old enough to step away, many do. And if you’re no longer with their father or mother, they might step right out of your life. That’s...