What happens if you drop your disposable vape in water? Although disposable vapes’ internals are sealed from view, there are several parts inside of the device that are at odds with water. This is true whether you have an Elf Bar, a Puff Bar, Drag Bar, or any other disposable. Wet ba...
Among the many vape pen styles in existence, it is important to know that there is definitely more than one style of vape pen available to you. Whether you’re strictly into vaping e-liquids, or you’d prefer to use oils, concentrates, or dry herbs, there are a lot of pens that can...
What happens if you don’t use? (You’re looking for withdrawal symptoms.) • Have you ever lied about your use of the drug, how long you’ve used it, or anything related to your use of the drug, such as what you have done to get it? Don’t make it about whether or not ...
We have so many devices and choices on the market, even for some of the old guard, deciding what to buy can sometimes be a problem. As it happens though, the greater number of choices has also made it much easier for new vapers to pick up complete systems that are going to last the...
You can consume e-liquid orally or sublingually if you want to, butdo not vape actual CBD oil, which can damage the lungs. True CBD tinctures and oils are not intended for inhalation. What is CBD tincture? Authentic CBD tinctures aren’t as common as you’d expect, especially compared...
However, a rosin press can cost anywhere between $2,000 to $5,000 depending on the size and power of the press. Below you can find a brief breakdown of what exactly happens in each stage of the commercial production process! 1) The Rosin Press is Heated The first step to the commercia...
These studies have led to contradictory results – in general, tobacco smoke is more dangerous to the lungs and the entire body of a person, but scientists have recently found out that vape pens fumes contain a lot of carcinogens and toxins produced as a result of “burning” part of the ...
This happens because when you acknowledge your values – and make plans and decisions that honor them – you can use your values to make truly informed decisions about how to live your life. By understanding the real priorities in your life, you'll be able to determine the best direction fo...
a Haribo factory. Currently, each and every vaporiser I have tested has leaked at some point but almost never in the initially week or so of acquisition. It only happens when the product lies on its side - which is precisely how it will inevitably end up if stored in a large pocket or...
Find out more aboutbringing a vape on a plane. Always pack your vape in carry on Can you pack hair straighteners/flat irons, curling iron, or hair dryers in your carry-on? If you want totravel with a hair dryer, curling iron, or hair straightener/flat iron, you can pack that in yo...