What are the risk factors for Plaque Psoriasis? Anyone can get plaque psoriasis, but there factors that can put you at increased risk: Family historyif one parent has plaque psoriasis this increases your risk of getting it. If both parents have it this increases your chances even more. High ...
But psoriasis is the same disease no matter your skin type. The biggest difference is that while psoriasis plaques usually look pink or red on White skin, on darker skin, they can be light to dark brown, purple, or gray. The scales and skin flakes may look silvery white on light skin ...
According toStanford University Medical School,psoriasishappens when your skin cells grow too quickly, faster than the normal course of every four weeks. When you have psoriasis, new cells move to the surface of your skin, build up and form plaques on your knees, elbows, scalp, hands, feet ...
Dandruff is a milder form of seborrheic dermatitis (pronounced seb-or-ray-ic dur-muh-ty-tis) that happens just on your head. Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin condition that causes itchy patches and greasy scales on your skin where you have a lot of oil (also called sebaceous) glands...
Someone is missing you In some cultures, it’s believed that if your left fingers itch, someone close to you is missing you and thinking about you. When this happens, you may suddenly remember someone and want to get in touch with them. ...
A scalp that turns red, itches, and flakes after you wash it could becontact dermatitis. This allergic reaction happens when you use certain shampoos, soaps, or other products in your hair. If you dye your hair black, dermatitis may be a reaction to the chemical PPD in the hair dye. ...
Hair buildup happens when gunk, sweat, excess oil (sebum), and hair products accumulate on your hair and scalp. If left unchecked, it clogs your hair follicles, which eventually leads to hair root inflammation, scalp infection (folliculitis), scalp acne, and hair loss. ...
Like allergic contact eczema, irritant contact dermatitis happens when the epidermis is exposed to a harsh substance. However, unlike allergic dermatitis, it focuses more on the skin than on the body’s immune system. Harsh chemicals found in certain detergents, acids, dyes and solvents can irrita...
This happens in people with either a disrupted skin microbiome (the mix of organisms that exist on the skin) or because of a physical skin barrier deficiency, or sometimes both. Genetic factors play a role in inheriting tendencies toward an overactive immune system as well as developing an ...
It hurts when someone you care for can not understand your illness or struggles and becomes frustrated with you but I do understand why it happens, if only simply it being human nature and self preservation. Some times you just cannot see past your own trauma and turmoil to another’s. ...