fully cooked. Raw or undercooked meat can harbor toxoplasma and other bacteria. When dining out, make sure your meat is steaming hot and thoroughly cooked. At home, thetemperatureshould reach at least 145 F for whole cuts, 160 F for ground meats like hamburger, and 165 F for chicken ...
Always ask for your hamburger or other ground meat well done. For whole steak, roast, or a chop, medium rare (145 F) can be safe. Raw-meat dishes like steak tartare are risky. Make sure there are no raw or undercooked eggs in anything you order. If you take home food, put it in...
Expose anything to fire and it's destroyed. What do you think happens to all the nutrients in meat when heated, or even worse, burned crisp like "JessC" enjoys? The black you see on top of "well done" meat is carcinogenic hydrocarbons. All that crap about food borne bacteria, salmonell...
food can start to spoil within an hour. At a picnic or during a camping trip, you are more likely to eat undercooked grilled meats or to handle raw meat without access to soap and water. Bacteria can grow quickly inside tepid coolers. So if you're picnicking on a hot day, put leftove...