Trauma. Occasionally, stubbing or jamming your toe, dropping something on your toe or participating in activities that put repeated pressure on your toes (like running, soccer or ballet) can cause ingrown toenails to develop. Improper trimming. What happens when you pull out a hangnail? If you...
Teeth grinding (bruxism) is involuntary clenching, grinding and gnashing of the teeth that usually happens during sleep. Causes can includestress, concentration and use of illegal drugs. Treatments include bite splints (to be worn at night), repair of tooth damage, and stress management therapy. ...
Whatever happens, I cannot let Shashi die. But however hard I think, I cannot shake the piercing image of Jagmeet’s eyes, and I fall asleep gazing up at the underside of our tent, wishing I could see the stars. The next morning, the camp is strangely still. It is as if they ...
the Coastal taipan, but don't mistake its placid behavior as weak; it'll attack if it has to and deliver enough venom in one bite to kill 100 adult men. Since you're (most likely) one person, that venom will do a number on your body, paralyzing and eventually killing you ...
The female mite is attracted by warmth.Crevices and folds in human skin offer the warmth she craves, as well as protection.The mite also hides at the waistline, under watch bands and bracelets, and even under fingernails. The mites are microscopic, wingless, parasites that bite skin and feed...
I’ve been with my partner for 3 years and the one thing that I’ll miss so much if something ever happens to him is how he’ll be falling asleep and slightly twitch all over. It’s how I know he’s really falling asleep (a hard task for him) and it’s strangely annoying and ...
(the Trump versus Haris election would be held in less than a week). We talked about her kids, and grandchildren, and then I disclosed the fact that I might be leaving on a trip to Asia in a few days, after my trip to Orlando. Talking about a trip, before it happens, is bad ...
(Hapalochlaena lunulata) since it likes to hang out in the shallow waters around Southeast Asia and Melanesia. Within its salivary glands, a toxin is stored that's considered 1,000 times more toxic than cyanide. Being bitten by a blue-ringed octopus is rare, but once it happens, medical ...
1、Everything happens for a reason. 任何事的发生都是有原因的。 2、Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck. 没有事情是偶然出现或运气使然。 3、The people you meet who affect your life,and the success and downfalls you experience, help to create who you are and who you become...
This type of flare happens very suddenly, and your skin may appear very inflamed and dry before the pus-filled bumps form, according to the AAD. These bumps can break open, dry out, and peel—all within two to three days. If this happens, then you should seek emergency medical attention...