common.Intheshapeofafullmoon,tuanshanwereusuallymadeofsilk.Theyhadbeautiful embroidery(刺绣)featuringbirdsandflowersonthem.Women,especiallythoseintheroyal palace,likedtousethem.PoetsinancientChinaoftencomparedanabandoned(被抛弃的)woman totuanshan.ApoetintheQingDynasty,NalanXingdewasatypicalexample.Hewrote,“Ifo...
What happens when you get your hair wet? Getting your hair wet is an absolute no-no, or you will revert strands back to their natural state, says George. Using shower caps when showering and avoiding humidity can help your silk press last as long as possible. How do you sleep with this...
Sleeping with wet hair doesn’t necessarily cause hair loss, but it can cause breakage. This is because wet hair is more fragile than dry hair, and the friction between your pillow case and wet stands can cause tears and breakage in the hair shaft. If you’re worried about your hair hea...
A perm is a curly or wavy style, created by rolling the hair around perm rods and applying heat to that. Before you start, the hair has to be prepped by washing it with a sulfate-free shampoo. Then, the wet hair is wrapped around your chosen rods. Once the hair is rolled up, two...
As if! As keen as mustard. as luck would have it as old as Methuselah As plain as the nose on your face. as pleased as Punch as snug as a bug in a rug as straight as a die As tender as a mother's heart. as the crow flies ...
While great to look at, stone streets aren’t always the easiest to walk on and can make for sore feet even if you don’t normally have discomfort. Depending on the city, these streets can also be hilly, slippery when wet, and uneven. So, it’s not recommended to pack heels. If yo...
What happens if one makes wudu without making istibra? Istibra is applied after urinating in order to stop the traces of urine that invalidates wudu. If a person makes wudu without istibra immediately after urinating and if traces of urine come out after he makes wudu, his wudu becomes inv...
The most commonly used chemical in perms is ammonium thioglycolate. But most of the potential hair damage from getting a perm also happens because of this ingredient. If you have thin or fragile hair, gentler perms that are acid-balanced and use glyceryl monothioglycolate may be better options....
The rest of the year, when Thailand is sunny but not quite as humid, your best fabrics include linen and very light-weight cotton, rayon and silk. For rainy season, erase all notes to date and start over. When wet, cotton is undesirable as it takes ages to dry. Instead, pack quicker...
I go skating every Friday night.Wearing skates is like putting on sports shoes.If you want to run,you can run.If you want to leave,you can walk.I will slide backwards and squat.However,I still cant catch up with my big brother.I will continue to work hard. ...