Now that you have your beneficiary for your cat, you need to make sure everything happens as planned since you won't be around to ensure they hold up their end of the bargain. There are four ways to arrange care for your cat after your death. Based on what you know about the person...
Ants eat the honeydew that aphids secrete, so the ants will protect them on old or young plants. Next time you see a large population of ants on one of your outdoor plants, check to see if you have an aphid problem or aphid infestation. It’s a good idea to keep a close eye on ...
I’ve rambled onlonger than I had intended (yeah, that never happens), but hope you will take up this issue by writing about what your dog(s) need(s) to be deeply and truly happy, and what you can do to try to provide it. I write this knowing that some of you have deeply tro...
Our Hepper Catnip Stick Toys are double-bagged and bite-proof, perfect for even the sharpest claws and teeth. They're also full of 100% organic catnip, shaped like your cat's natural prey, and hand-made in the USA. 9. Taking Walks Now, you may be wondering if this is a joke. We...
Consider bringing outcatnip and silver vine– these aromatic herbs will reawaken your cat’s playful kitten spirit. Just be sure to limit access to small amounts so they don’t lose their potency. You want the effects to last the whole vacation!
Catnip is actually perfectly safe for catsto sniff, bat at, lick, and even eat! Its rather entertaining effects don’t tend to last longer than10-15 minutes.But do make sure not to let your cat around too much of it, else they might get overstimulated. ...
Kittens can eat wet or dry food—or a combination. Kittenhood is a perfect time to try a variety of flavors and textures. This will help them grow into more adventurous eaters as adults, which can be helpful if/when you need to change theirfood. ...
In case the unthinkable happens, and your pet escapes or gets lost during a connecting flight, you should keep an ID collar on your cat. Make sure the collar has your name, address, and cellphone number, and add the same information to a sticker attached to the carrier. Your flight numbe...