“We the people of the United States”(we are a democratic republic, not a dictatorship)“in order to form a more perfect union”(we are a work in progress dedicated to a noble pursuit)“establish justice”(we revere justice as the cornerstone of our democracy)“insure domestic tranquility”...
But whatever, we’re not too interested in what a losing candidate may do to keep or grab power (depending on whether they’re the incumbent) for now. Weareinterested in what happens if the popular/electoral college vote is essentially deemed fraudulent by the government. This kicks the elect...
I do not know, exactly how much independence the children have or how much the choices and beautiful products they made were guided by their teachers. I do not know what happens — or how parents respond — if the children are not spending time learning to read or count and are not deve...
But this is one of the big questions after the last few hours: What happens next? It is unlikely that Trump will back off his push to contest the results. But what Republican lawmakers will do is obviously different. Some who are normally allied with Trump but not pushing this anti-...
rather than obscures them. That’s what happens when you’re in decline, and I think that’s what we’re seeing. This vote is a vote of a system that’s declining. It’s voting for the clown, the theatrical performance. The wall did nothing. The wall is a joke. It...
Zubok, an acclaimed historian on the USSR, turns his focus to the cold war, challenging conventional explanations regarding why the west “won” and highlighting in particular the importance of non-western actors and forces. Along the way he asks what happens when stability and peace are no lon...
South Korea showing what happens when science-based policy is implemented And some did listen! There are plenty of success stories from countries who successfully navigated the global pandemicby heeding scientific expertise. Some countries, likeNew ZealandandSouth Korea, are all but back to normal ...
Given its scale, ONLY nature can decide what is real, by the way it changes, on the facts we can measure. Real science. Nature decides what change really happens, not models that falsify any effect’s humans may have on nature by exaggerating the effects of their chosen problem du jour ...
It happens again and again with different people in varying settings and circumstances that still share an all-too-familiar commonality of discord eating away at your psyche like a blood-sucking parasite that only becomes repulsively engorged with each instance. The slowly developing anger within rea...
7. ONE TO WATCH: Texas AG KEN PAXTON has “filed a lawsuit accusing a New York doctor of prescribing abortion drugs to a Texas resident in violation of state law,” The Texas Tribune’s Eleanor Klibanoff reports.“This lawsuit is the first attempt to test what happens when state abortion ...