What happens if you have a precancerous polyp? These types of polyps are not cancer, but they are pre-cancerous (meaning that they can turn into cancers). Someone who has had one of these types of polyps hasan increased risk of later developing cancer of the colon. Most patients with ...
My sister is 56 years old and is worried about having a colonoscopy. She knows she should have one, but keeps putting it off. Can anyone explain a little about what happens before, during, or after a colonoscopy? How did you feel about this procedure.? Did it hurt?
What happens if they find cancer during a colonoscopy? Usually if a suspected colorectal cancer is found by any screening or diagnostic test, it isbiopsiedduring a colonoscopy. In a biopsy, the doctor removes a small piece of tissue with a special instrument passed through the scope. Less ofte...
Inflammatory polyps.Inflammatory polyps are often associated with inflammation of the gallbladder wall. These are often found in people who have had repeated episodes of cholecystitis and acute biliary colic. This happens when agallstoneblocks a bile duct. Inflammatory polyps don't develop into cancer...
Uterus, otherwise known as the womb, is a reproductive structure found in females. It is where the embryo develops within the mother getting nourishment from the mother. The prostate gland is a part of male reproductive organ. It is the structure that produces flui...
happens to the delicate and breakable objects in the salon when the submarine lists very much or smashes together with objects? Why do Nemo's apartments take up so much space, when his twenty crew members have a living space of 5m by 2m? Gagneux also presents/asks/stands in a showy...
My husband lost both his mom and dad to colon cancer, so it is very important that he get tested on a regular basis. When he had his last colonoscopy done, they found a colon polyp and were able to take care of it during the procedure. This was then biopsied to see if it was ...
A total of 26 water mite species were found in the Mietiulka River at Polesie National Park. The dominants were Limnesia fulgida (35.8%), Neumania vernalis... R Stryjecki,D Kowalczyk-Pecka - Ochrona Środowiska i Zasobów Naturalnych - Environmental Protection and Natural Resources 被引...
The problem with that argument is that the Latin used in the Church for prayer, was not the language spoken by the people. It had technical vocabulary (e.g., maiestas, substantia) and turns of phrase nothing like everyday speech (e.g., hyberbaton, polyptoton). See what happens? It ...
A perforated bowel is a medical emergency in which a hole in the bowel opens to allow its contents to empty into the rest of the abdominal cavity. The result is frequently sepsis or blood infection, which if not treated can cause almost immediate death. A perforated bowel can occur as the...