What if I told you there was something you could do right now to cut your cancer risk in half? That’s right, in half! If you knew there was a way to prevent cancer from ever invading your life and turning it upside down… would you do it?
Contestant Two (Susan):Oh holy smokes, that was scary, wasn’t it? Ha, ha… Okay, down to brass tacks, I feel like I’ve heard that before but just can’t place it, wouldn’t ya know… Studio Audience:Four! Three! Two! One!
Sometimes when someone is mean to me it's like I am taken out of my body and I cannot control what I say or what happens. I know this is because of what my father and mother have done to me. I think about how much better I would be at life if they hadn't traumatized me. ...
Sometimes when someone is mean to me it's like I am taken out of my body and I cannot control what I say or what happens. I know this is because of what my father and mother have done to me. I think about how much better I would be at life if they hadn't traumatized me. ...
In the film, the girls are so young when this happens that it's hard to blame her for not taking a more righteous stance. And it's unclear how much of her early memories Red even retains once she settles into her aboveground life; it seems quite possible she's repressing her memories...
a child being bullied at the pool may start avoiding the pool, even if he or she formerly liked going, or an employee who is being bullied might change his or her work habits to avoid the bully. Someone being bullied online might start using the Internet yes, or demonstrate a decline in...
What about smoking it through a bong or a joint as well? Clearly one smokes less through a bong to get the desired affect, I have no idea however though which is considered to be more of a health risk (if any difference). Additionally, although this may not be the case for everyone,...
MMM, What you describe is exactly what I hope happens – a gradual change towards reduced consumption with a commensurate increase in quality of life. I often wonder whether my great-great-great grandchildren will look back on this historical period of high-consumption/never-ending-forced-work ...
our original plan was when she graduated high school and i graduated college, we would move in together, but with all this drama, i fear she may leave before that happens. i don't know what to do. could she move in with me if i had my own place? would that be legal? could ...
Sometimes when someone is mean to me it's like I am taken out of my body and I cannot control what I say or what happens. I know this is because of what my father and mother have done to me. I think about how much better I would be at life if they hadn't traumatized me. ...