What happens if a woman takes Viagra? So, what does Viagra do to a woman’s body? Well, it seems to work in a similar way, by increasing blood flow to your genitals. This increased blood flow makes your clitoris and labia more swollen and sensitive, and can help with lubrication — ...
Can birth control make you bleed if you stop taking it? Yes. When you stop using hormonal birth control (or switch to a different method), the sudden change in hormone levels can trigger withdrawal bleeding (2). This happens even if it’s not time for your usual placebo or hormone-fre...
While for most girls, breast development is the first sign of puberty, others might first notice pubic hair. An increase in hair on your arms and legs, in your armpits, and around your pubic area happens to girls early in puberty. If you want to shave your legs and underarms, ask your...
doi:10.1016/0022-4731(83)91729-6L-G.FribergandB.HammarquistandF.KnutsonandC.SDOSJournal of Steroid Biochemistry
What happens if Peyronie's disease is left untreated? In some cases, Peyronie's disease may go away on its own even without treatment. In most cases, it stabilizes, so the curvature doesn't get worse, and your pain improves. If you're not having a lot of pain or trouble having sex,...
Ovulation typically happens about 13–15 days before the start of each period. Here's how to know your ovulation symptoms—and everything else you need to know.
You'll lose your mucus plug sometime before you go intolabor(usually after 37 weeks), or as labor is starting. This happens because as the cervix begins to open, the plug drops into the vagina. When it comes to losing your mucus plug, don't get too excited. It's impossible to predi...
A heart attack happens when the blood vessels that supply blood to your heart are blocked. This can damage your heart or lead to an abnormal heart rhythm or heart failure. A heart attack is also called a myocardial infarction.What are the signs and symptoms of a heart attack?
Blood in urine (hematuria) is a common problem that happens to children and adults of all genders. And the good news is that the most common causes of blood in urine – like a urinary tract infection – are easily treatable. Still, it’s generally notnormalto see blood in your urine (...
Lightheadedness or a sudden cold sweatWhen should I seek immediate care?You have chest pain that happens often. You have chest pain at rest.When should I call my doctor?You feel depressed or anxious. You have questions or concerns about your condition or care.Care...