75 years later,telling you that the study still continues.Every two years, our patient and dedicated research staffcalls up our men and asks them if we can send themyet one more set of questions about their lives.Many
The founders of this study would never in their wildest dreams have imagined that I would be standing here today, 75 years later, telling you that the study still continues. Every two years, our patient and dedicated research sta...
75 years later, telling you that the study still continues. Every 2 years, our patient and dedicated research staff calls up our men and asked them whether we could send them yet one more set of questions about their lives. Many of the intercity Boston men ...
Every 2 years, our patient and dedicated research staff calls up our men and asked them whether we could send them yet one more set of questions about their lives. Many of the intercity Boston men ask us, “Why do you keep wanting to study me? My life just isn ’t that interesting ...
"Worry a little bit every day and in a lifetime you will lose a couple of years. If something is wrong, fix it if you can. But train yourself not to worry. Worry never fixes anything." - Mary Hemingway1. Prepare for the worst - Hope for the best. This comes right from the ...
But the last two years, you've been the breadwinner.That never bothers you?breadwinner:如同上文的provider 30:11 Penny for your thoughts.即“你在想什么呢?”,在你表达关心或者八卦之魂在燃烧时,非常实用。 31:22 I'm just wondering what will become of mewhen the inevitable happens.become of sb...
It happens every night—bedtime. But what if you're not sleepy? Should you still go to bed if you are just going to lie there with your eyes wide open? There are many reasons why you are not able to fall asleep. You might be excited by something you did that day. You might be ...
It happens every night-bedtime. But what if you're not sleepy? Should you still go to bed and just lie there with your eyes wide open? (76)___ But don't worry. Here are some steps you can take to help you fall asleep.One thing that can help is talking to a parent about what...
You can change your will as often as you like, but you should definitely revisit it after significant life changes such as a marriage,divorce, or the birth of a new child. If nothing has changed, consider reading over it every three years to ensure everything is up to date. ...
What Happens at the End of a Fiscal Year? At the end of a fiscal year, a company reviews its entire annual bookkeeping. It reconciles transactions, makes adjustments, verifies financial data, and calculates all of the annual financial information, such as income, expenses, revenue, investments...