During a voir dire, you'll typically be asked questions to determine your personal feelings and experiences. If the voir dire...
Argues that military judges should permit counsel-conducted voir dire, both general and individual, and that both prosecution and defense advocates should use first opportunity counsel. Judicially recognized purposes of voir dire; Building rapport with the panel and ensuring its impartiality; Public perc...
But this happens not just from reinvention of oneself but through innovation. And innovation helps to propel us forward. --SCLWe got a Phoenix for you right here. This past week, billing hours, and defending the insensitive, the unreconstructed and the un-defendable, WAC? nearly missed ...
Voir Dire Helps Ensure Impartiality Initially, jury seats are filled by members of the jury pool chosen at random. But before the jury is sworn, the judge and the attorneys ask potential jurors questions to identify anyone who has an interest in the case outcome or for other reasons cannot b...
Morrison, Caren M
Actually we almost had a hung jury. We trotted ourselves before the judge and told him we couldn’t reach a verdict, after 6 hours in deliberation. Apparently the judge was not impressed and did not want a hung jury; mainly I think we didn’t try hard enough. He gave us a verbal wh...
unless it happens during the night, say between 10 PM and 8 AM Eastern Time (US), in which case you’ll have to wait. And occasionally the software will decide a comment is spam and it won’t even go into moderation; if a comment disappears on you, send me an e-mail and I’ll...