At least 8 hours before your lung biopsy, usually around midnight, you'll likely need to stop eating and drinking. If you'll be awake during the procedure, you may be able to drinkwaterin the morning. What Happens After Your Biopsy?
Side effects caused by drugs are only one problem faced by patients undergoing treatment. There can also be a risk of developing an addiction to certain medications. If this happens, the medicine that is being taken will need to be reduced or stopped altogether. As an alternative to this, so...
No surprise here:Smokingafterlung cancer treatment-- or ever -- is really bad for you. It makes most treatments less effective, includingradiation therapy, surgery, andchemotherapy. It also makes it more likely that your lung cancer will come back or spread somewhere else in your body. Of co...
What happens before, during and after a patient undergoes radiation therapy? Here’s a look at what this treatment involves. Radiation therapy, or radiotherapy, is a cancer treatment that uses high-energy rays to destroy cancer cells without damaging nearby healthy or...
Asbestos is a natural mineral and carcinogen that causes mesothelioma. Learn about how to identify it, cancers caused by asbestos and asbestos litigation.
It happens when fluid seeps from blood vessels into the airways making breathing difficult. It is caused by either back pressure in the lungs as a result of heart failure or when a lung injury breaks blood vessels and causes them to leak. Pulmonary embolism Caused when a blood clot (typica...
Like the rest of your body, your brain needs oxygen to survive and thrive. It gets that oxygen from the blood flowing from your heart through a network of arteries. Astrokehappens when the blood supply to the brain slows to a trickle or gets cut off completely. Your brain cells become ...
Fluid accumulation –happens when fluid accumulates between the pleura (covering of the lungs) and the inner lining of the chest wall. This fluid accumulation is called as a “pleural effusion”. If the fluid becomes infected as a result of pneumonia, a chest tube or surgery may be needed ...
If you or a loved one has non-small-cell lung cancer, you may want to know more about a procedure called cryosurgery. What Is Cryosurgery? Cryosurgery, also called cryotherapy or cryoablation, is a procedure that kills cancer cells using extreme cold. During the surgery, a thin needle called...
If you inherit a certain gene, your body misjudges how much calcium is in your blood. You'll send out more PTH than you need. It happens if you have a condition called familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia (FHH). But in most cases, you won't have any symptoms or need treatment. ...