This type happens when your heart doesn't pump enough blood to your brain due to abnormal heart rhythms that are too slow or fast or because of issues with your heart's structure or function. What Happens When You Faint? Fainting happens when you suddenly have less blood flow to your brai...
Tell the provider what happens before you become dizzy. The provider will ask if you have other health conditions and if you take any medicines. The provider will check your blood pressure and pulse to see if your dizziness may be related to your heart. Your balance, strength, reflexes, ...
An IUD should stay in your uterus toprevent pregnancy. But sometimes it can move out of place and slip into yourcervix, which is below your uterus. If this happens, you’re more likely to get pregnant. If you get pregnant while using an IUD, your health and yourbaby’s could be in ...
When you're struck by lightning, it's incredibly hot, but it happens so quickly that the heat usually doesn't do much more than cause all water on you to evaporate, your body hair to singe, and parts of your body to burn a bit. However, in rare cases, the electrical cu...
The reason you’re getting this infusion of estrogen (and other hormones, like progesterone) is to help build up your uterine lining, Culwell explains. This is how your body prepares for the implantation of a fertilized egg (if that happens this cycle). Day 10: Oh, happy day!“People ...
When you're struck by lightning, it's incredibly hot, but it happens so quickly that the heat usually doesn't do much more than cause all water on you to evaporate, your body hair to singe, and parts of your body to burn a bit. However, in rare cases, the electrical ...
(See my post Safety Dance for more on this.) One of the main ideas of The Gupta Program is to tell your worried part that you are safe, that “Whatever happens, I will handle it.” You’re not trying to convince yourself that everything will always go well, but that it’s okay ...
What happens during a lunar eclipse? Why does the moon turn red during an eclipse? During a total lunar eclipse, the lunar surface turns a rusty red color, earning the nickname "blood moon". The eerie red appearance is caused by sunlight interacting withEarth's atmosphere. ...
Research shows that heart attacks are becoming more prevalent among adults younger than 50—and the outcomes are worse for women. The good news is we know how to prevent them.
Before I talk any more about my personal experience, here's whatSRAM says about ButterCups: "These little ButterCups add about 4mm of vertical compliance to your suspension and an average of 20% reduction in trail chatter from reaching your hands. All of this happens whenever your bike is in...