When a body is received at a funeral home or crematory, it is an imperative step that a family member and ID tag identify the body. A form of a metal tag is generated, which remains with the body throughout the process. A...
Four decades ago, less than 5 percent of American were cremated when they died. Now that figure stands at nearly half. This is how cremation actually works, and what happens to a culture when its attitude about how to memorialize the dead undergoes a rev
for instance, still stand as world wonders. Mausoleums also allow for the long-term entombment of cremated remains, which is not feasible for below-ground burials. If money is a concern, mausoleums designed
again, it’s a good idea to inform your family of your wishes in regards to body disposal because, as in the UK, the ultimate decision of what happens to your body rests with your kin. As the Forensic
What happens to aborted babies? I heard a preacher on the radio say that they go to heaven and grow to adulthood and become the person they should have been. If that is so, abortionists apparently have been responsible for the salvation of more people than most evangelists combined. Though...
Most of us have thought, at least at one point, about what happens to our bodies after death. Depending on your culture and spiritual background, you may ...
Being part of guiding is like being in the mafia, you can’t leave, you know too much. So what happens to a guider who hangs up her neckerchief? This is where the Trefoil guild comes into it, or the old biddy guiders as I used to lovingly call them when my mum first joined. Of...
Burning Out: What Really Happens Inside a Crematorium Four decades ago, less than 5 percent of Americans were cremated. Now that figure stands at nearly 50 percent. This is how cremation actually works, and the story of what happens to a culture when its attitudes about memorializing the dead...
Attitude toward the treatment of the body after death is influenced by the ideas someone has about what death is like, how it happens… which means that this is a relevant factor affecting attitude toward the donation of one’s own organs [8,9,16,30,31,32]. In the present study, accep...