What is a recurrent seizure? A seizure is an episode of abnormal brain activity. A seizure can cause jerky muscle movements, loss of consciousness, or confusion. Recurrent means you have a seizure more than once. The cause of your seizures may not be known. Some common triggers are alcohol...
Some people have a "rescue medication," commonly anasal spray, that can be used to stop a seizure. If this is available, read the instructions and give the medication if the seizure goes on longer than expected. Most often, people return to normal after a seizure ends on its own. Howeve...
"The Search & Seizure Show" What is a "cat out of the bag" search? (Podcast Episode 2022) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more...
In a grand mal seizure, what happens to a person's brain? What can the after effects be? Should cognitive acceleration programs be used? In what cases can cognitive acceleration be beneficial, and in what cases can it be harmful? What do we...
Intense, sudden headaches (often called thunderclap headaches) are not always serious, but they can be a sign of a potentially life-threatening condition. A sudden and intense headache can indicatean aneurysm or bleeding in the brain. Additional signs of this are blurred vision, loss of conscious...
The Epley maneuver is successful 90% of the time for cases of BPPV. There may be a recurrence rate of up to 15% in the first year after an episode. When vertigo persists, evaluation for any underlying structural problems of the brain, spinal canal, or inner ear may be necessary. ...
Can I Train My Own Seizure Dog? To a certain extent, yes. If you or a family member suffers from seizures, you may have already noticed if your dog seems to behave differently before an episode. If this is the case, rewarding that behavior when it happens may help to encourage your do...
Getting a Diagnosis Diagnosing Bipolar Disorder Most of the time, you’ll first go to your health care provider after experiencing your first manic or major depressive episode. In most cases, the first step is a physical exam to rule out certain common causes of these symptoms, such asthyroid...
It still happens, too—namely at Vermont Cavers Association's annual ice-skating party (which happens in February, as long as the water is frozen solid). Virginia: Great Channels of Virginia Canva Virginia: Great Channels of Virginia - Address: Saltville, Virginia - Want to visit votes on ...
Seizures have been reported to occur in only a tiny percentage of dogs but when it happens it can be a frightening event for the dog owner. But, what is a seizure in a dog? Would you be able to recognize one? If your dog had a seizure would you know what to do ? Let’s...