Make sure you arrange for a driver to bring you home after the colonoscopy. Because you receive sedating medication during the procedure, it is unsafe for you to drive or operate machinery for 8 hours after the procedure. Let your driver know you’ll be ready to go home 2 to 3 hours a...
Glyca-binding proteins (GBPs)are a category of proteins that bind specifically to certain sugar molecules. The “glyca” is the same prefix you see in the wordglycation. That describes what happens after a protein or fat binds with a sugar molecule (3). This binding process can cause inflamm...
care between PCPs and gastroenterologists as well as the current availability of open-access screening colonoscopy.Methods:A multiple-choice survey was developed to assess PCPs' experiences with open-access colonoscopy, their involvement in the pre-colonoscopy process, and follow-up after colonoscopy. ...
What happens if you have your sigmoid colon removed? After a colectomy,bowel movements might be more frequent. Bowel movements usually become more normal after one year. Your doctor can recommend a bowel care plan to help normalize bowel movements. The most common time a cancer recurs is within...
What Happens After a Flexible Sigmoidoscopy? After the procedure, your doctor will talk with you about the results. If you weren't given a sedative for the procedure, you can go back to a normal diet and activities. If the doctor found any growths, or polyps, during the procedure, you...
Fecal impaction (FI) is a serious condition in which a hardened stool gets stuck in the large intestine (colon), often resulting in the inability to pass stool. It often happens in people who have chronic constipation issues. Treatment involves clearing out the stool mass. Without prompt treatm...
A colonoscopy is a procedure in which a doctor inserts a long, plastic, flexible tube into the colon through the rectum. The tube is fitted with a camera and allows the doctor to see inside of the colon. If the doctor sees any abnormal growth or a colon tumor, he can remove it immedi...
Occasionally, during a traditional colonoscopy the scope is unable to reach all the way to the beginning of the large intestine, Ebner says. When this happens, your doctor may have you undergo a virtual colonoscopy to complete the screening. Medicare doesn’t cover CT colonography. In this un...
Include when the pain happens, how long it lasts, and what the pain feels like. Track any other symptoms you have with abdominal pain. Also track what you eat, and any symptoms you have after you eat.What can I do to prevent acute abdominal pain?
With advancing technology comes more development of the endoscope and its uses. The advancement of robotic systems has led to the development of telesurgery, where a physician can perform a surgical or diagnostic procedure on a patient from another location. Capsuleendoscopyhappens when a very small...