In 2014, Keshaallegedthat producer Dr. Luke sexually assaulted her not long after she signed with his label in the mid-2000s. She sued him for sexual assault, battery, emotional abuse and more. In turn, the producer sued Kesha for defamation. A court initially determined he was not conside...
"Nobody deserves to have their freedom taken away like she has. She has been there for us, taught us so much, and now it's time to give back."
Robert Waller, and Scott Storch. Long after the song saw nine straight weeks at the #1,the song was in the news again for alleged copyright infringement by songwriter Jennifer Armour.Beyoncé won the suit, saying it was a shame it even happened, and that she was happy ...
地址 国家/地区- 国家/地区 -美利坚合众国大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国加拿大印度澳大利亚法国德国巴西墨西哥日本中国---Turkey不丹东帝汶中国中国台湾中国澳门特别行政区中国香港特别行政区中非共和国丹麦乌克兰乌兹别克斯坦乌干达乌拉圭乍得也门亚美尼亚以色列伊拉克伯利兹佐治亚佛得角保加利亚克罗地亚关岛冈比亚冰岛几内亚几内亚比绍列支...
Benny is a songwriter and record producer who has worked a plethora of chart-toppers, including Selena and her exesJustin BieberandThe Weeknd. Some of the mega hits he has produced includeKaty Perry's "Teenage Dream,"Kesha's "Tik Tok,"Britney Spears' "Circus" andMaroon 5's "Move...
and Lorna She's got a tattoo of a peace sign on her thumb All that and the night has just begun Stay out tonight and see through my eyes Stay out this time, and we'll be home by five Stay out, stay out, stay out Stay out, stay out, stay out Checkered shirts and chino ...
Kesha sued producer Dr. Luke for sexual assault. Date:October 14 Kesha sued longtime producer Dr. Luke for sexual assault and battery that, according to the lawsuit, went on for 10 years. The disturbing claims, discovered byTMZ, document years of sexual, physical, emotional, and verbal abuse...