There is even a little sponge on the bottom of the tray to soak up the wee bit of blood. Baby bunnies are like candy bars of the animal world. But because it happened to her, all of the sudden the death of a batch of bunnies is significant and precious. Is death bad? Humans seem...
How many times have you watched a frustrated dog owner repeat the same command 1/2 a dozen times, only to watch his dog pretend to be completely deaf? If you enforce the behavior the 1st time the command is given, the dog will quickly realize that it is much easier to comply than i...
Slowly, the stickiness of loss has lifted. Last year I noticed that I was finally coming back to myself. I was feeling joy again. In a moment of absolute “what the heck happened to me”, I saw a therapist who explained that it can take one to three years to fully process a loss....
I don’t know why this happened to me; I did everything “right” from erasing caffeine from my diet to overcooking everything to taking my prenatal vitamin We prayed for our baby (and it was our baby, not just a fetus), that it would be healthy and that it ...
What happened to me? Can’t I take care of myself!?! No. Not if things like “physical proof” and “glaring evidence” are anything to go by. Soooooo… I’ve taken to staying at the office really late to avoid going home. Last night I flicked off the office lights at midnight....
Most of them are half baked ideas or recipes that never happened. But my favorite to browse are thevulnerable ones.The drafts where I basically started pouring out words, as if the screen was my diary and the keyboard a close friend. ...
I have not had anything close to it since she passed away. I miss that soooooooo very much. I also miss the mongo hopia of my youth. The quality of current hopia just does not compare. Then there’s the street-side fishball with their uber-yummy sauce! I used to set aside P1-2 ...
interesting. Finally she had to resort to fibbing, claiming to have experienced things that had actually happened to friends of hers, or occasionally presenting a news item as a personal experience. Lately she had been forced to invent her stories from scratch, a new lie every night....
Her staying in a lot might be a result of something that happened to her & doesn’t want to talk about. Her art might be talkative, be patient, caring, and supportive, that will help a lot. Reply Holly says: This was very informative to the truth for a middle child. I can ...
The food industry has a reputation of taking incredibly healthy items and turning them into processed junk food and this is exactly what has happened to most yogurts available on the market. The Cornucopia Institute just came out with a very revealing report (an investigation that took 2 years...