For the sake of convenience — since we had a few thousand contractors to juggle — I allowed a rep to install a generic gateway (a modem/router combo). A few weeks later, I happened to move an Ethernet cable in my entertainment center to an adjacent port. That one click shouldn’t ...
or is it Office's time to be turned into a train wreck like Windows has? If people who's job it is to support or report about Office are confused what hope is there for everyone else? What happened to the Microsoft i use to love 🙁 Log in to Reply ggolcher...
As someone who actually used Windows 95 when it was available, I find it weird to think that it's already 29 years old. Windows 95 taught us and the designers at Microsoft many things, and some of its legacy can be seen in Windows 11 to this day. Let's explore some of that 29-ye...
Now avoids prompting to set the reporting level to High until a certain amount of familiarisation has happened, to avoid overwhelming the new user with information. Replace All in the Find and Replace dialog now allows the user to abort the operation if it's taking a long time; also the ...