State usury laws often dictate the highest interest rate that can be charged on loans, but these often don’t apply tocredit cards. If you are facing the burden of high rates, you could negotiate with your lender or take other steps to better manage your credit card debt. ...
A related observation: legal or illegal, usury does not work, at least not as a practical economic theory. It just doesn’t work. Not over time. It’s like making a horse carry 1000 pounds. The horse dies. And dead horses don’t pay their bills. There we are. So what happened is ...
What Really Happened To Freddie GrayJewish Agenda Articles What Really Happened To Freddie GrayBy Brother Nathanael Kapner May 5, 2015 ©Support The Brother Nathanael Foundation!Or Send Your Contribution To: The Brother Nathanael Foundation, PO Box 547, Priest River ID 83856 E-mail: brother...
we have a treasonous president who stole the election and we are ruled by spendthrifts, warmongers, gays, trannies. That did not happen by accident, it happened as a result of inflation, inflation since the creation of the Federal Reserve has completely destroyed the moral fabric of the natio...
This is what happened the 1920s, leading to the Great Crash of 1929 and the struggle to effectively constrain finance during and after the long, depressed 1930s. Which kind of financial sector pathologies do we face today? Unfortunately: all of the above. And, not just in nature but also...
Given that enclosure impacted on the individuals and social customs of the time, it is impossible to separate the growth in population from the social context in which it happened. As such, the population argument ignores the question of whether the changes in society caused by enclosures and ...
Subprime auto loans have also been blowing out. In the third quarter, the serious delinquency rate of the $1.3 trillion in auto loans has risen to 4.71%, the highest since the worst months of the Financial Crisis, when the auto industry collapsed, and when the US was facing the worst une...
Whatever happened in the Jews’ life,it seemed that they have never lost heart or given up. The national cohesion makes them even stronger and more powerful in other countries though this ethnic is rather small both in the number of people and the economic terms. When seen as foreigners or...
The effectiveness of usury laws is often debated after decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court, and legislation gave financial institutions the capacity to circumvent limits. The high court’s decision in the case of Marquette National Bank v. First of Omaha Corp. allowed credit companies to charge...
As usury laws are determined individually by states, the penalties for violating usury laws vary. The penalty may include the lender having to return all interest to the borrower, most often with additional fees added on. The fees usually amount to more than the interest the creditor would have...