...the town gives rise to one of the most powerful factions inFallout: the New California Republic (NCR). In the games,Shady Sands is a small settlement that was established in New California around 2161. Led by a former inhabitant of the nearby Vault 15, the town gives rise to one of...
Money’s a nice small detail you can use, to indicate the power-dynamics in a fictional world. For example, the three different currencies in Fallout: New Vegas. (caps, NCR bucks, and Legion…whatevers :) Reply tmtvl says: Thursday Feb 11, 2021 at 8:59 am Aurei, denarii, and ...
Moving to the desk, a diary is left out begging for us to peer inside of. Edith was never told what happened to Molly. In fact, Edith was never told about most of her family’s deaths – but that’s why we’re here. Opening the diary to Molly’s last entry, we’re transported ...
Fallout wasteland warfare settlement mode: Bonnie Springs arc 1 First game of settlement mode Hobby challenge is back! NCR Patrol Fallout Wasteland Warfare- New Vegas: Planning Fallout Wasteland Warfare Solo campagin : Lexington Fallout: War on the Commonwealth part 0, The Prize (2 of 2) ...