As we get ready to observe the holiest day in the Jewish calendar, the Day of Atonement, I wanted to share a piece I wrote a few years ago on the Book of Jonah. Gmar Hatimah Tovah! May you and your loved ones be sealed in the Book of Life for a year of happiness and health,...
And what exactly did Pentecost and associating feast mean to the Jewish people? How do we know who has the Holy Spirit and who doesn't? How do you hear from God through the Holy Spirit? What are some good resources to learn more about the Holy Spirit? Music Credits: Defender by Rosa...
Nearly all who claim Christianity believe that their understanding of what happens after death is consistent with teachings found in the Bible. But since there are many differences in doctrine related to this amongst the world's churches, perhaps many are unwilling to accept what the Bible actually...
And what exactly did Pentecost and associating feast mean to the Jewish people? How do we know who has the Holy Spirit and who doesn't? How do you hear from God through the Holy Spirit? What are some good resources to learn more about the Holy Spirit? Music Credits: Defender by Rosas...
Since Jewish holidays were then (and now) keyed to the lunar calendar, this discrepancy was gradually creating an untenable situation where Easter and Christmas were happening later and later each century. To forestall Easter in July and Christmas in April, the Pope decreed a new calendar. ...
The blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, has been found on the Mercy Seat (the solid gold lid) of the Ark of the Covenant that once sat in the Most Holy Place of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem. That Ark still contained the tables of stone on which God Himself inscribed the ten ...
location — the name refers to both a hill in the city of Jerusalem and to the city itself — but it's also used in a general way to mean"holy place" or "kingdom of heaven." The root of Zion is the Hebrew Tsiyon, and while the word holds a special importance in the Jewish ...
the Bible explains that when Israel finally got to the Promised Land, there were some nations that God didn’t drive out. He left them there because he wanted to test the Israelites who had not experienced wars: “he did this only to teach warfare to the descendants of the Israelites who...
Heaven is not a cheap deal for the passive, who want to get in on lip service to God. Heaven is for those who have put their lives on the line for what they believe, and are willing to be tested, and are willing to sacrifice everything for the God of their hearts. ...
directed searches in all Jewish quarters throughout the papal States to confiscate Jewish Holy books. The confiscation began on the 22nd lyar in 1731 and continued over the next twenty years. Also noteworthy of this day in the history of mankind ...