The family sits among piles of UNASSEMBLED PIZZA BOXES and folds them in silence. The crunch of cardboard is the only sound as the cheap Pizza Time logo comes in and goes out of the foreground. They hear a truck rattling closer. Through the window, they see a STREET FUMIGATION TRUCK sp...
I decided to look outside family medicine and seek integrative medicine in my thirties because I was experiencing more and more chronic pain, fatigue, and general decline, and I hoped something more, well, integrative, would help. It was the integrative medicine doctor who tested me, to my s...
Wegner, Martha
Keep it simpleIf you're tight on space, try using a neutral palate to maximize space and make the room appear larger. The photo above shows a room withoutclutter, making it easier to live in cramped quarters. Read more:Controlling the chaos: Tips to a clutter-free home> ...
If your home doesn’t have a dedicated entryway, create one with hooks and shelves. It’s a great way to organize outerwear, shoes, and bags. It prevents these items from cluttering up your living space. Get Creative With Furniture Arrangement ...
We all have clutter in our lives. What few realize is how devastating it is to our brains' processing ability and how easy it is to control. Relationships Rescue Relationships by Choosing the Right Words Stan A. Goldberg Ph.D. on May 30, 2024 "Sticks and stones may break my bones...
Buy Nothing groups may help you save money, cut down on clutter and get to know other members of your community.
Space:Choose a space that is free of clutter. If you are incorporating moves where you come off of the chair, you’ll want to have a clear space to avoid any tripping or stumbling. Time needed:You could take a quick chair yoga break and spend as little as five minutes ...
Americans have way too much crap, but also tend to be broke, with little cash savings despite garages, closets and basements full of unused clutter. If you’re broke, take a hard look at things you don’t use or like, and sell them for cash. In my research, the items that fetch ...
Downshifting can take many forms since it's a personal choice. These are the most common types of downshifting: Consumption Downshifting:Downshifting consumption involves buying and consuming less (from clothes to food to big purchases like a house or car), or removing all the clutter and unnecess...